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    MOMS-Pregnancy Initiative Funded
    VMC researchers receive $7.4 million federal grant from the National Institute of Health Common Fund to study how microbes influence pregnancy. See Details
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    An emerging pathogen of the female reproductive tract
    Sneathia amnii,sp. nov. (SEM courtesy Kim Jefferson/Mike Harwich)
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    We've profiled the vaginal microbiome of thousands of women
    with a range of clinical diagnoses, and we've sequenced genomes of hundreds of bacterial isolates and metagenomes of clinical interest.

Welcome to the Vaginal Microbiome Consortium, the VMC! We are a group of researchers studying the impact of the vaginal microbiome on women's health. The VMC is a highly interdisciplinary team in which clinicians, microbiologists, computational biologists, bioinformaticists, statisticians, genomic scientists, and human geneticists work collaboratively to analyze, interpret and publish our findings. Thousands of women have already contributed samples and information to the VMC. Our ongoing Vaginal Human Microbiome Project at VCU is funded by the NIH Roadmap Human Microbiome Project (HMP) and aims to understand the relationship between the composition of the vaginal microbiome and its association with women's health.

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